Gateway science Center, LLC
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Middle School now includes :
Holistic Program
* Middle School (6th-8th Grades) Introduction to Earth/Space, Life Science, and Physical Science* High School (9th-12th Grades) An In-depth look at Biology, Earth/Space Science, and Physics
What comes with the Holistic Package?
* In-Person Lecture/Lab
* Virtual Notes/Lectures
* Hands on Equipment Experience
* Keeping a Physical Record of
Science Labs
* Work assignments/projects
* Maximum 10 student class size.
* 42 sessions total/year Late starting
Students will be able to catch up.
* One In Person Session/week
consists of:
1 hr Science - Lecture/Lab
1 hr Ballet class
1 hr Jiu-jitsu class
* Why Ballet and Jiu-Jitsu? The use of Ballet and Jiu-Jitsu in conjunction with the science is a powerful combination that promotes the development and enhancement of critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and stress management skills, essential not only in the field of science, but also in various areas of life.
When taking the Holistic Program, the total hours will be 126 hours, which is approximately12.7% of the 990 required hours for grades 7-12 by NYS, plus any time spent on the virtual notes/lectures, homework, or lab reports done at home. For 6th grade it is approximately 10.5% of the 900 hours required by NYS.
The Holistic program fulfills both the Physical Education and Science requirements set by NYS, and also ensures comprehensive coverage from 6th to12th grade each year.
Non-Holistic Program
This program includes everything that the Holistic Program offers, except for Ballet and Jiu-jitsu classes. All other aspects of the program match those of the Holistic Program.
Science Tutoring! 9th-12th grade
Open to both Public and Private School Students. Covers NYS Regents material. For Earth Science it will also offer a review of the three Performance Investigations required by NYS for the Regents Exam.
Limited Seats Available For All Programs!
* Free Wi-Fi for visitors
* Free Work stations for your other children to use as they await for their older siblings to finish their session.
Gateway Science Center
200 Wilson Street Building E Suite 7A, Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 (When coming down Wilson Street You will See straight a head of you the BackStage Dance Studio. We are located on their immediate Right.
contact me, Anthony, at:
or Phone # 631-403-4888